1. Go to starship's wax.bloks.io account- https://wax.bloks.io/account/starshipgame?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=starshipgame&scope=starshipgame&limit=100&action=withdraw and sign-in to your account. 2. Sign-in with the wallet you are using for the game; e.g. wax cloud wallet. 3. Select "collect" 4. Add the following a. Player = your wallet name e.g. wax cloud wallet, anchor wallet b. Ship = starship ship ID You can get your ship ID using https://starship.primatepirate.com/ . Go to 'my ship" tab. Enter your wax or anchor wallet ID. Click "GO". You should have a list of your ships. Your ship ID are the numbers circled in yellow. 5. Click "submit transaction". 6. Successful transaction should have this message :